
You can now register for the 53rd Congress of the DGPs/15th Conference of the OeGP using the "REGISTER HERE" button at the bottom of this site. Please note that registration for the congress/conference is independent of your abstract submission. Thus, please use the button below after having read the corresponding information and register for the congress/conference for the first time, with a new login and password. The link above is NOT the same as that for the submission of your abstract.

Please also note the following: If your abstract has been accepted for presentation and you want to present your research at the congress/conference, please register until June 30th, 2024, the latest. Failure to do so will lead to the cancellation of your contribution in the final program.

Participants*Early registration, ends June 30th, 2024Late registration, ends August 31st, 2024On site registration fee, starts September 1st, 2024
Regular members of DGPs or ÖGP**€ 370€ 400€ 450
Junior members of DGPs**/*** or ÖGP**/***€ 170€ 210€ 270
Master student members of DGPs, Bachelor students****€ 95€ 130€ 150
Members of other psychological societies******€ 450€ 480€ 520
Junior members of other psychological societies***€ 230€ 290€ 300
Student members of other psychological societies (only Master students) *****€ 140€ 160€ 190
Non-members€ 480€ 560€ 620
Junior non-members***€ 250€ 300€ 330
Student non-members (only Master students) *****€ 150€ 180€ 230

* For a digital participation/presentation, we offer a reduction of the regular fees by 40,- Euros. For details, follow the link.

** Members with an active ÖGP membership before December 1, 2023, or with an active DGPs membership. To become member of the DGPs now, you can apply for membership here.

*** Junior (non-)members are PhD candidates and those with a PhD that is no older than 5 years and who are working for a maximum of 75% of the regular weekly working hours (i.e. a maximum of 30 hours/week). When registering, please upload proof of your current working hours. If you do not have a current academic working contract, please include copied proof of your current monthly income and, where this applies, working hours, e.g., proof of minor employment by the employee, a maintenance declaration of your parents, proof of your (orphan's) pension, proof of your social benefits (e.g., German "Bürgergeld"), or alike.

**** If you are a BSc student but not a member of the DGPs, during registration, you will be asked for your DGPs membership number nonetheless. Enter 000 instead of a membership number. Do not forget to upload proof of your Bachelor student status. Please note that as a PhD candidate, you do NOT count as a student.

***** Please note that as a PhD candidate, you do NOT count as a student.

****** You can find a full list of eligible partner institutions here:

In Case of Cancellation


Following registration, if you want to cancel your participation in the congress and/ or the social event, the following charges apply:

  • Until June 30th, 2024: € 40.00 (refund is your fees minus € 40.00)
  • Until August 31st, 2024: 55% of your fees (refund is 45% of your fees)
  • From September 1st, 2024: full fees apply (no refund possible)

If you cannot make it to the conference, you may nominate a representative participant instead of yours. The representative should present your first-author contribution. Therefore, representatives may not already be first authors of another poster, research talk, position paper, or symposium at the congress.

Cancellations and requests for refunds must be submitted in writing to the Event Management of the University of Vienna (email: